

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Be Healthy

What is the definition of beauty in your mind between being thin and fat? Yes, most of the answers are being thin. Why is that? The answer is around us. We hardly see the leaders of movies or TV series who are obese, they are always jokers who usually fail in everything they do. Thin people always get good characters and many supporters that is opposite to the obese ones. Therefore, is obesity worse than skinniness?  

Plump people may be defined as ugly in many societies or cultures while others are different. MXsifear wrote on that in many other countries, to be skinny enough to show off one’s bones would mean that they are living in poverty; while an excessive amount of weight would show that the individual lives in a higher class in society. It shows us that, from the data above, there still are many countries like overweight people, but there are not more than a half. Therefore, if you come from the societies which skinny people are preferred, finding healthy weight control us the best way to do. Here are four steps to control your weight healthily. First, changing your lifestyle and do not do a short term diet because your health will not get used to it, and you will be ill. Second, finding a cheering section because support is important for doing everything. Third, slow and steady wins the race, do not be hurry because you will be disappointed quickly. The last one, setting your goals to keep you motivated. If you follow these steps controlling weight, you will have an ideal shape healthily.

           Being obese is not bad for everyone, it is up to environment you are. Many plump people succeed in lives and thin ones do not always have good luck. Keeping your weight fitting your lives is the best way to do. Be proud of yourself and move on.  

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